The examination of candidacy for the distinction PALACE@sea will take into consideration the yacht’s character and uniqueness, its design, quality, level of service on board and its actions regarding sustainable development. The PALACE@Sea Distinction will gain the luxurious yacht favorable publicity and international visibility in a constant and increasing competition. Obtaining Distinction PALACE@Sea, the organisation awards the Distinction PALACE@Sea for three years based on a mutual agreement by the PALACE@Sea commission.
The examination procedure consists of an instruction phase carried out by the organisation to decide on the candidate’s eligibility, following a visit on-site and a hearing of the operations management, both of which are conducted by the PALACE@Sea commission.
The examination procedure will conclude with an analysis based on the elements that distinguish the yacht and make it unique, which will lead into the commission’s decision on awarding the certification. The list of distinguished luxury yachts will be updated on website.
now open globally
The director of label awards the Distinction PALACE@Sea for three years based on a mutual agreement by the PALACE@sea commission.
The examination procedure consists of an instruction phase carried out by the organisation to decide on the eligibility of the application file, following a visit on-site and a hearing of the operations management, both of which are conducted by the PALACE@sea commission.
The result of these actions will form a basis for an analysis of the assessment criteria, based on the elements that distinguish the yacht and make it unique, which will conclude the commission’s decision on awarding or rejection of the distinction.
The assessment criteria includes the interior and exterior design and its quality, the level of service provided on board, the actions undertaken regarding sustainable development and the economic indicators differentiating service excellence. The assessment criteria are detailed in the appendix.
Members of the PALACE@Sea commission
The commission consists of:
A qualified personality from the media world
Two qualified personalities from the business world
One personalities from the world of letters arts and culture
Two qualified personalities representing international customers.
Two qualified personalities from the hospitality industry
The director of label appoints the commission chairman and substitute from among the qualified people. The organisation will position as the commission’s administrator and carry out all the administrative tasks within the commission. The functions and obligations related to the commission’s assignments are detailed in Chapter 5 of the Regulations set on 5th November 2020.
« Quality means doing it right when no one is looking. »
— Henry Ford
Assessment Criteria
The awarding of PALACE@sea distinction is based on the assessment criteria listed in this appendix. The indicators for each criterion are not standard facts but set examples to guideline the assessment. The candidate yachts are advised to include these elements in the record attached to their application file in order for the commission to examine their full potential. Each criterion is examined separately and is not considered exclusive of other criterion